Really Sticky transmision "tuning" . It's always something with your car when doesn't win.
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Really Sticky transmision "tuning" . It's always something with your car when doesn't win.
I know there are issues with the DCT and big power. But that excuse only comes when he loses. Or some other bs reason will be the reason he lost.
I don't even know who you are and honestly I don't even care. I'm sure you would race me.
You obviously don't post much here but there are N54's and AMG's that want a shot. I doubt a single turbo N54 is going to want a piece if they see the numbers. Understand?
I'm talking in the context of what goes on here on BimmerBoost not Ford GT's, Vettes, or Lambo's. The joke is your idiotic assumption without even understanding my reasoning.
It's BS? Oh, it's a BS excuse to get a DCT upgrade nobody has ever tried working? Really?
So you think my car really runs 152 and it just lost because it was running to its full potential and OMG that turbo E46 it already beat is just oh so much stronger? Are you just stupid?
You want to race when the transmission actually is working? Because that's a possibility. Step up or shut up.
Anyone that thinks a TT S65 at 24psi traps 152 has no idea wtf they are talking about. Seriously. Sticky can do whatever he wants. Personally I'm looking forward to the bimmerboost events. I'll have to hit one up in 2015.
I haven't switched to the TT's yet. It's still just the YSI but finally with high boost.
This is why I would rather just do my own events. Where people go to run and have fun. You have these idiots running in here giddy to post a video of some giant triumph over a car with clutches being broken in and the transmission being tuned so it will shift at WOT with the deeper clutch basket. Not exactly simple, ask the people who have tried.
This is their grandy victory? This is something to be proud of? Wow, maybe next they'll show that E46 M3 pulling away from a Veyron getting an oil change.
WTF is wrong with people?
Not sure I ask myself everyday why people can't stay out of the fucking left lane. I'll never get it. Throw up some dates for potential events middle of next year if this one goes well. I'll have to plan ahead if I bring the trailer. Even if I just have the 600kit on it I may go down to have a good time. Not sure how hard this staged kit will be to tune. I still don't know of a working setup.
EDIT: Also what is tech going to be like? Trap speeds for cage and chute required?
You aren't going to need to have some 1800+ hp Lambo at my event to feel relevant or able to participate.
From everything I'm hearing a lot of people are fed up with Shift Sector as it isn't fun any longer. I clearly can see I wouldn't have fun as you can't even try to test upgrades out on the runway without people trying to piss on you for it.
Those people won't be welcome at my event. 2000+ hp cars aren't going to get more run time than guys with 500 trying to enjoy themselves. It will be smaller, it will be more fun, and it will be a hell of a lot more racing with far more relevant performance assessment than this inflated trap BS.
I don't think so.
I'm shocked you wouldn't post a dyno. No one is going to shy away from the race because of it.
Shocker a thread about an event becomes about one car again. WHO CARES if his car ran or didn't. Honestly the car was insignificant at the event, it made no waves, they had the hood open all day, barely anyone even went over and looked at it. Why? Because it didn't run so it didn't get any attention, an Evo running 180+ got way more attention. Does this mean the car wont run 180, or is less exciting than an Evo, no. It just means it didn't do anything at that event so no one had a reason to care, how about we talk about some of the cars trapping 225+MPH in the half mile, and get away from the car that didn't even run. When his car runs, then we can have a discussion about it
Why would Gintani bring a car to an event that they knew wasn't ready ( not shifting correctly ) . Did they not test drive it before arriving? I don't understand that logic in the slightest, especially your car which people will yap about.
Certainly seems like the politics matter at these events more than the results. I guess that's just what comes with people who dump this much money into their cars, the egos get totally out of control and it's extremely obnoxious as a fellow enthusiast.
Crazy thought: Who cares what Sticky's car trapped? Who cares that it's not ready yet? Why should that be a matter of intrigue or one-upping, it's lame. His car will be ready when it's ready, everyone is wasting their breath in the meantime whining and gossiping about it. If it ends up breaking records, that's awesome. If it ends up never running, all of your lives will continue on as normal.
And at 24 pounds with a dual clutch it will be quicker than any N54 on earth, so i'm not sure why that's something anyone is stressing over.
This shit gets old. @Sticky would highly encourage you to setup your own events, focused on the novel concept of people showing up to have fun and enjoy the company of other enthusiasts. Doesn't need to be this contrived for-profit enterprise that turns into a pissing contest. Clearly, that is what Shift S3ctor has become. A battle of egos and bystanders.
Sparknotes: Someones car is always faster than yours. People need to stop crying about other people's cars, and focus more on what they're accomplishing.
I agree with most of what you said except this. These are car races for people to try to go faster than the next guy. If you looked up the definition of "pissing contest" in the dictionary it would most likely have two guy arguing over who's car is faster. I have no problem with the event, I have problem with this thread being taken over by a car no one cared about that didn't even run.
Fair enough. Just seems like it's the events that always catalyze this nonsense. People who don't attend, aren't involved with the platform, and aren't making anything in the zipcode of the power levels being applied are whining about someone else's car? That's asinine.
Look i'm sure I could find some LS project out there that's shooting for WR power, and has taken a long time to get ready. I could start posting and bitching about its progress, but I don't. Because it's not my car.
It's not a one-way street, a lot of people contribute to this BS. I'm not blaming one person. I don't understand why we can't just appreciate fast BMWs, and wish people well who are trying to make them faster. That's why we're here, right? Who gives a damn who is the fastest - I can say with 200% certainty it isn't anyone on this forum. There is ALWAYS a bigger dog.
For the most part, I would agree with you. But what has to be understood is how much blabbing is constantly done about this car. How its going to change the world. But yet it is 90% talking and 10% action. Its always thrown into N54 threads, and anything else that talks anything close to another BMW being the best. So at some point, I think people are just tired of the blabbing and just want to see results. Its now been so long that its just annoying to hear. You have guys that run their mouths a lot about their cars, but they actually show up consistently. So its a balance of talk and action. I've never seen anyone boast so much about a car that barely sees the road. Shut up already. I guess its an ego thing.
Some people just need to get laid.
Its all because of what people have already said in this thread. I'm sure no one looked at the car during the event bc no one has seen it run and most know the story behind it. This car was being built before I even joined this forum. There has been lots of hype, talk, whatever you want to call it. Unfortunately, whhen you have a high profile project, it gets a lot of attention, not all of it is good. In this case, over the last 3 years, its gotten worse. If its done then post the info, if its not, then its not but I personally want to see it succeed because it shows what can be done with this s65 platform. There is a time though, when facts are facts and the towel needs to be thrown in on the project.
Also..... news flash, these roll race events are all the rage these days and there is a ton of ego's/political agenda's along with them. They give a chance for people to settle grudge matches and show off what thier car can do. They also give a chance for vendors to show thier products off and at times it creates drama. There is always a winner and loser, no one likes to be the loser, especially on that public stage. In the end though, it is good for the community/industry because it drives sales, makes people want to get faster, and the industry continues to grow. Also, this hopefully takes illegal street racing away and makes it safer for everyone.
Doesn't matter what anyone does, fanboys on youtube/facebook will still reply "This car is slow, AMS alpha omega gtr izz da bestttt!"
I guess I just don't take this as seriously as some others do. If anyone thinks the amount of money they've dumped into their car reflects their importance or self-worth, i'm laughing at them right now. Again, there are cars out there that would TROUNCE the winner of this event, or any of these roll events. So it's all relative, which people again either don't seem to understand or refuse to acknowledge. The $100K you've dumped into your AMS GTR to puff your chest out is cool, until it gets left behind by the same LS-based platforms that have been about that life for decades now.
Some of these people need a serious ego check, is my point. It's a car for god's sake. Of course no one likes to lose, i'm in one of the most competitive, bottom-line niche industries in the country. Doesn't mean I bitch, moan, stir the pot, and speculate every opportunity I get.
I agree that on the whole, it's positive for the community at large. But damn, it gets annoying to read about.
When Sticky's car is ready, it's ready. Until then, people need to calm le fuck down.
None of this is directed at you obviously, please don't take it wrong.
Sorry, I thought Sticky had TT kit installed. Nevertheless, 24 psi is freekin awesome. And talking about races, the Moscow mile is tits.
While I do find a lot of the comments regarding this type of racing in general and this event in particular interesting and very much agree that the high end $100k plus builds are very much a contest of who's got the bigger wallet, (the real respect should go to the engineers and mechanics behind the scenes) this thread derailed pretty quickly. Especially as a moderator sticky shouldn't have gotten defensive and turned it into a thread about his car.
I also agree with the sentiment that these events are generally good, they further development, encourage the pushing of platforms as well as provide a safer alternative to highway racing and are really the only venue where a car with 1000+ hp is actually useful. However, personally as a spectator I found the event boring and unorganized. Especially without a dog in the fight it really was like watching a pissing match that felt very irrelevant to the average car enthusiast. I would be very excited to attend and participate in an event like what sticky seems to be planning that featured more sub 1000hp cars, privateers, average enthusiast type of builds, cars that are driven on the street regularly and get to the event under their own power.
Alright so who's going to be at NFZ? I may still be there with my dying transmission and race you with 23psi :)
Are you kidding me here Bob?
This car at 18 pounds of boost destroyed everything it ran against and won this god forsaken event. The car is done.
The people talking in this thread don't even have any trophies from winning it. I do.
Everyone calm the fuck down and let me worry about my own car.
Yeah man, I'm the problem. I'm the person who instead of saying of saying good luck or trying to raise the bar continually tries to put others down. Oh wait, that's you.
And for what? OMG trying out a new custom deep basket clutch setup that will only benefit everyone with a BMW DCT? Including the new M cars? How horrible of me. How blatantly evil!
Look at all you bitter and negative people. It's hilarious to me. It's a car being built to the highest level BMW performance will allow. Instead of pushing things forward, weak minds always want to pull back.
What are you scared of? That it will do exactly what I said it will?
You want to race? Let's race. Let's see you talk then.
Right because I'm the one who comes in this thread trolling. I'm the one sitting there spewing nothing but vile garbage.
Read your posts. See what you're doing.
Anyway, think whatever you want. You want to race let's race. Car is ready. Let's go. What's the hold up?
Weird these guys who want to come in here shut up pretty quickly when asked to actually run.
You want the honor of being the first destroyed on camera by me? I'm granting you it.
Vargas, you must have some cars ready too don't you? I don't care who's first.
Good i'm glad its done. If its running at 24 psi, watch out. Thats 4 times the boost i'm running currently. All i'm saying is post something, anything to show its done, like a dyno.... but i'll just let it go and wait for the next roll on event...i assume no fly zone?
Bob. I haven't waited all this time to just park in the garage and call it a day.
Perhaps I have a plan to tie my car to the expansion of the network and new features? Perhaps I'm thinking big picture here? Perhaps I have no obligation to anyone but to do what is best for myself and my business?
The only reason my car was there was because Gintani asked if they could try to test it out and see if they could wrap it up in time to take back the title. I didn't want to but said ok. So I should be crucified for this? They should be for trying to do something nobody has? What is wrong with people? Where is the encouragement to raise bars and push things forward? Small minded people remain small.
I'm not doing any other events other than my own. If this isn't about fun and enjoying the car then I am not interested. I don't go hang out with people I don't want to be around.