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  1. #1
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    Two methods for safely washing in the winter!

    As many of you know our Ask A Pro section helps provide information and advice for detailers of all skill levels. This week Marc Harris from Auto Lavish and Ivan Rajic from LUSTR Auto Detailing published articles about their specific process for washing in the winter. Winter washes provide a unique challenge because of low temperatures and extremely filthy vehicles, but both articles outline how to wash safely in spite of these conditions. These articles have tons of high quality images and Marc's article includes a video as well. Please take a few minutes to learn something new today!

    How To Safely Wash Your Car In The Winter from Marc Harris (Auto Lavish)

    Click here to enlarge

    Winter Washing With Optimum No Rinse (ONR) from Ivan Rajic (LUSTR Auto Detailing).

    Click here to enlarge

    Through Feb 11th we have most of the products used in these articles discounted in our Winter Wash Sale! As always if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Happy Detailing!

    Greg @ Detailed Image

  2. #2
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    For you guys who actually have winter, this can be useful.
    BRAND NEW IN BOX 991.2 standard/non-pse SPW cat bypass pipe for sale - $899 shipped

    New generic 991.2 PSE bypass pipes - $499 shipped

  3. #3
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    My quick & dirty (clean?) winter method:

    1) $2 in the local wand wash - to get crud from underneath, wheels, and to take off the surface salt and dirt. I always use the wand on rinse mode, at a safe distance, and move it quickly to avoid damaging paint, trim and 3M film.

    2) Carefully drive the car home to my garage - wand place goes crazy if I try to wash it there!! I use ONR (two buckets) - wash/dry each panel. I used to use sheepskin mitts, but they fell apart too frequently, so now I use a soft microfiber mitts which last forever, and don't seem to introduce marring. I dry with a MF waffle-weave towel.

    3) Wash & detail wheels/tires. I will admit to using tire shine .. but I always wipe it off to give it a matte look. Usually QD on the rims themselves.

    4) Dry door jambs and blow out any standing water from cracks. Otherwise it'll freeze.

    5) I normally go over the paint with a quick detail spray.. either Autoglym / Meg's / or ONR made up as a QD. Every 2-4 weeks, I give it a full wax .. either Autoglym Super Resin Polish, or Meg's #26. For glass I typically use Stoner - although have been guilty of skipping it altogether in the winter, relying on ONR to do it's job.

    Entire process takes about an 1.5 hours Click here to enlarge Which is good, I have to do it so frequently in Calgary's winters! I don't typically bother with claying or polishing in the winter .. unless I notice a horror scratch appear. People always ask how I keep my car so clean in the winter Click here to enlarge

  4. #4
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    I love ONR! It really is an amazing product. I was so skeptical before trying it, but now I'll tell anyone who listens to me, to use it. I use it all winter in my garage with warm water, and I even use it in the summer when it's really hot and sunny. Washing a BLACK car in the hot sun, using the normal soap and water method is nothing short of an exercise in futility. Once again, ONR to the rescue. Since you clean and dry each panel individually, you never have to worry about soap and water drying on the paint.

    It's an AMAZING wheel and glass cleaner too.
    2004 E500 - Eurocharged ECU, VRP headers and E55 exhaust. #1 record holder on dragtimes ([email protected])
    2005 SL600 - OE Tuning ECU/ Speedriven TCU - #1 record holder on dragtimes (11.02@126)

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  5. #5
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    ^ Never tried ONR but I have a very hard time with a black car in the sun as well. Now I'm interested...
    BRAND NEW IN BOX 991.2 standard/non-pse SPW cat bypass pipe for sale - $899 shipped

    New generic 991.2 PSE bypass pipes - $499 shipped

  6. #6
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    i never tried ONR either.
    i was always worried that using waterless washes in the winter because there is no pre-rinsing. Wouldn't it just pick up the sand and scratch the paint when you are using the mitt?

  7. #7
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    ^ Never tried ONR but I have a very hard time with a black car in the sun as well. Now I'm interested...
    Trust me, you'll love it.

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Kbahl21 Click here to enlarge
    i never tried ONR either.
    i was always worried that using waterless washes in the winter because there is no pre-rinsing. Wouldn't it just pick up the sand and scratch the paint when you are using the mitt?
    It's not waterless washing. When I make my wash solution in bucket #1, I just use that to fill up an empty spray bottle. Then, before I wash a panel, I pretreat with the spray bottle.

    Do some research on the product, I bet you change your mind, especially since you think it's waterless washing. It's actually SAFER for the paint, than traditional hose/1 bucket/sponge method.
    2004 E500 - Eurocharged ECU, VRP headers and E55 exhaust. #1 record holder on dragtimes ([email protected])
    2005 SL600 - OE Tuning ECU/ Speedriven TCU - #1 record holder on dragtimes (11.02@126)

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  8. #8
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    one method for washing in Winter and most part of Spring : never wash your car , it's always snowing or raining

  9. #9
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    ONR is simply incredible .. use it once and you'll never go back. It's not a sudsy wash like your typical car wash, but it's very smooth .. leaves the paint nice and shiny, and does no damage to the paint if used properly.

    You can also use it as a quick detailer, glass cleaner, clay lube .. I even use it as a household cleaner sometimes Click here to enlarge

  10. #10
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    I was nervous using the Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine New Formula (ONR) my first time but the results were amazing. Like virtually every pro I know it's a must have product to have around.


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