

Tag: rods

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  1. California: Fontana Drag Event April 22nd

    Started by JRCART, 04-13-2011 09:46 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    cars, event, muscle cars, rods, track
    • Replies: 25
    • Views: 12,499
    Last Post: 04-24-2011 09:17 PM
    by Sticky  Go to last post
  2. Single Turbo 350Z vs H/C/I/E LS1 Camaro

    Started by BoostAddict, 10-18-2010 06:59 PM
    america, build, cam, gears, headers, intake, kit, nitrous, ported, race, rods, single, single turbo, spun, stage, throttle body, track, turbo
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 11,769
    Last Post: 10-20-2010 04:20 AM
    by Sticky  Go to last post
  3. Advance Ignition Timing: What Happens ?

    Started by LostMarine, 08-17-2010 08:07 PM
    art, bearings, burning, crankshaft, cylinder, event, flame, fuel, gif, ice, king, position, rally, rod bearings, rods, spark plug, speed, timing, torque, work
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 19,119
    Last Post: 08-26-2010 02:19 PM
    by fundahl  Go to last post
  4. The great BMW vs Porsche debate...

    Started by TaZaM3, 07-06-2010 06:31 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    295, 335, 60-130, 6speed, 800whp, acceleration, build, built, cars, dig race, drag racing, e46, e46 m3, engine, experience, factory, fast, flame, gearing, gt2, hose, ice, kit, lifter, low compression, m3, meth, mods, monster, octane, performance, physics, porsche, power, race, racing, ring, rods, roll race, s54, site, sold, speed, stock, supercharged, tires, torque, traction, turbo, turbo kit, twin turbo, yellow, youtube
    • Replies: 32
    • Views: 9,085
    Last Post: 07-15-2010 11:58 PM
    by Sticky  Go to last post
Results 151 to 154 of 176
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