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  1. #76
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    Yeah man, I'm the problem. I'm the person who instead of saying of saying good luck or trying to raise the bar continually tries to put others down. Oh wait, that's you.

    And for what? OMG trying out a new custom deep basket clutch setup that will only benefit everyone with a BMW DCT? Including the new M cars? How horrible of me. How blatantly evil!

    Look at all you bitter and negative people. It's hilarious to me. It's a car being built to the highest level BMW performance will allow. Instead of pushing things forward, weak minds always want to pull back.

    What are you scared of? That it will do exactly what I said it will?


    You want to race? Let's race. Let's see you talk then.
    hello. You've asked me to race a million times and I've agreed. But you do not have a car in your possession. So don't offer any races!

  2. #77
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    This guy is a douche. Entertaining for the most part but I think everyone will agree that he gets really tiring. Hmmm, one person argues with the majority but thinks each person he argues with is the problem. Yea. That makes since.
    Right because I'm the one who comes in this thread trolling. I'm the one sitting there spewing nothing but vile garbage.

    Read your posts. See what you're doing.

    Anyway, think whatever you want. You want to race let's race. Car is ready. Let's go. What's the hold up?

    Weird these guys who want to come in here shut up pretty quickly when asked to actually run.

    You want the honor of being the first destroyed on camera by me? I'm granting you it.

    Vargas, you must have some cars ready too don't you? I don't care who's first.

  3. #78
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by B00stGeek Click here to enlarge
    hello. You've asked me to race a million times and I've agreed. But you do not have a car in your possession. So don't offer any races!
    Time and place.

    I have a dragstrip rental in January or a highway pull is fine with me.

  4. #79
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    Are you kidding me here Bob?

    This car at 18 pounds of boost destroyed everything it ran against and won this god forsaken event. The car is done.

    The people talking in this thread don't even have any trophies from winning it. I do.

    Everyone calm the $#@! down and let me worry about my own car.
    Good i'm glad its done. If its running at 24 psi, watch out. Thats 4 times the boost i'm running currently. All i'm saying is post something, anything to show its done, like a dyno.... but i'll just let it go and wait for the next roll on event...i assume no fly zone?
    Click here to enlarge
    ESS 6XX kit

  5. #80
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by bobS Click here to enlarge
    Good i'm glad its done. If its running at 24 psi, watch out. Thats 4 times the boost i'm running currently. All i'm saying is post something, anything to show its done, like a dyno.... but i'll just let it go and wait for the next roll on event...i assume no fly zone?
    Bob. I haven't waited all this time to just park in the garage and call it a day.

    Perhaps I have a plan to tie my car to the expansion of the network and new features? Perhaps I'm thinking big picture here? Perhaps I have no obligation to anyone but to do what is best for myself and my business?

    The only reason my car was there was because Gintani asked if they could try to test it out and see if they could wrap it up in time to take back the title. I didn't want to but said ok. So I should be crucified for this? They should be for trying to do something nobody has? What is wrong with people? Where is the encouragement to raise bars and push things forward? Small minded people remain small.

    I'm not doing any other events other than my own. If this isn't about fun and enjoying the car then I am not interested. I don't go hang out with people I don't want to be around.

  6. #81
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by fastgti69 Click here to enlarge
    I play no matter what.
    I play with myself, a habit I can't quit.Click here to enlarge

  7. #82
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    Bob. I haven't waited all this time to just park in the garage and call it a day.

    Perhaps I have a plan to tie my car to the expansion of the network and new features? Perhaps I'm thinking big picture here? Perhaps I have no obligation to anyone but to do what is best for myself and my business?

    The only reason my car was there was because Gintani asked if they could try to test it out and see if they could wrap it up in time to take back the title. I didn't want to but said ok. So I should be crucified for this? They should be for trying to do what something nobody has? What is wrong with people? Where is the encouragement to raise bars and push things forward? Small minded people remain small.

    I'm not doing any other events other than my own. If this isn't about fun and enjoying the car then I am not interested. I don't go hang out with people I don't want to be around.
    Are we honestly still talking about the one car that didn't run instead of the 150 that did? Is this a Shift Sector thread or that other Worlds most powerful E9X thread?

  8. #83
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Tony@VargasTurboTech Click here to enlarge
    Are we honestly still talking about the one car that didn't run instead of the 150 that did? Is this a Shift Sector thread or that other Worlds most powerful E9X thread?
    It's whatever I decide it to be Tony. Guess the interest in the car is a bit greater than you surmised.

    That interest is what keeps bumping it and keeps people reading it seeing all the nice VTT photos.

    Regardless, as my car happened to be there overlap is natural. I have no problem not discussing it any further.

  9. #84
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    Click here to enlarge

  10. #85
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    Any of the domestics break 200?
    07 335XI(A008006) 6AT ~105K miles JB4 G5 ISO VSRF DP's
    09 135I(VK80379) 6MT. Race Project car.
    1) Install Modified Motiv 600 Kit[HTA3076R w/ tial .82] 2) Moton 4 suspension. 3) Build high flow intake manifold with multi-port fuel and relocate OFH 4) Build full cage possible rear diff upgrade 5) Complete staged twin setup with HTA4205R [w/Tial 1.16] 6) Complete dry sump system 7) Sequential maybe

  11. #86
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Ingeniator Click here to enlarge

    Any of the domestics break 200?
    A TT Ford GT was running high 190's when I was there, I think it broke 200 after we left

  12. #87
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Ando@BMS Click here to enlarge
    Alright so who's going to be at NFZ? I may still be there with my dying transmission and race you with 23psi Click here to enlarge
    I will be there for a rematch!! This time I will have all my settings right so no more 21 psi slow spool. I will hit 23 target and shift perfectly this time. Don't forget, you have no seats and light everything compared to me and I had another passenger! Click here to enlarge

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sales@vargasturbotech Click here to enlarge
    While I do find a lot of the comments regarding this type of racing in general and this event in particular interesting and very much agree that the high end $100k plus builds are very much a contest of who's got the bigger wallet, (the real respect should go to the engineers and mechanics behind the scenes) this thread derailed pretty quickly. Especially as a moderator sticky shouldn't have gotten defensive and turned it into a thread about his car.

    I also agree with the sentiment that these events are generally good, they further development, encourage the pushing of platforms as well as provide a safer alternative to highway racing and are really the only venue where a car with 1000+ hp is actually useful. However, personally as a spectator I found the event boring and unorganized. Especially without a dog in the fight it really was like watching a pissing match that felt very irrelevant to the average car enthusiast. I would be very excited to attend and participate in an event like what sticky seems to be planning that featured more sub 1000hp cars, privateers, average enthusiast type of builds, cars that are driven on the street regularly and get to the event under their own power.
    Well that's why we go to NFZ. Where you will race ten times already by noon instead of starting the races lol. There will be less hype and vendors and more cars around our hp range to mess with. I'm honestly really excited for NFZ and actually push some limits up there. Can't wait to see you and Tony again, this time with a running beast so we can all line up Click here to enlarge

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by BigM62 Click here to enlarge
    I play with myself, a habit I can't quit.Click here to enlarge
    I'm sure we all have that problem Click here to enlarge
    Burger Motorsports
    Home of the Worlds fastest N20s, N54s, N55s, S55s, N63s, and S63s!

    It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser and installer of any BMS part to employ the correct installation techniques required to ensure the proper operation of BMS parts, and BMS disclaims any and all liability for any part failure due to improper installation or use. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify that the use of their vehicle and items purchased comply with federal, state and local regulations. BMS claims no legal federal, state or local certification concerning pollution controlled motor vehicles or mandated emissions requirements. BMS products labeled for use only in competition racing vehicles may only be used on competition racing vehicles operated exclusively on a closed course in conjunction with a sanctioned racing event, in accordance with all federal and state laws, and may never be operated on public roads/highways. Please click here for more information on legal requirements related to use of BMS parts.

  13. #88
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    I should check my info? I'm pretty sure I just got off the phone with Alex.

    If you think my car is trapping 20+ mph slower than what it previously trapped when it won the event you have a mental problem. It wasn't running correctly until they got everything sorted and by that time the event was over.

    If your whole purpose here is to stir up drama go elsewhere.
    No, that was not my purpose. I came in here and even told you I heard your car was finally running and gave you congrats on that. I told you what I heard and that was it. Then as usually, you have to go full douche like you do in every thread. My intent was not to derail this thread or troll. I told you what I heard. You said your car didn't run but was at the event. I heard different and saw a video of your car running. Whether they were testing your car or not, it ran, which is something you said didn't happen. But whatever, then you give me negative reps and restrict my posting.

    Go ahead and delete my profile. I joined this forum because I am an enthusiast and enjoy all that is involved with it. Just because I am part of another forum that you don't belong to anymore and have a history with, you automatically go on the defensive.

    Anyway Tony, sorry, I would have posted this in his Worlds Fastest thread, but he closed it. So since this is regional thread and relevant, I thought I would ask some questions.
    Last edited by cd330; 10-30-2014 at 03:50 PM.

  14. #89
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by cd330 Click here to enlarge
    No, that was not my purpose. I came in here and even told you I heard your car was finally running and gave you congrats on that. I told you what I heard and that was it. Then as usually, you have to go full douche like you do in every thread. My intent was not to derail this thread or troll. I told you what I heard. You said your car didn't run but was at the event. I heard different and saw a video of your car running. Whether they were testing your car or not, it ran, which is something you said didn't happen. But whatever, then you give me negative reps and restrict my posting.

    Go ahead and delete my profile. I joined this forum because I am an enthusiast and enjoy all that is involved with it. Just because I am part of another forum that you don't belong to anymore and have a history with, you automatically go on the defensive.

    Anyway Tony, sorry, I would have posted this in his Worlds Fastest thread, but he closed it. So since this is regional thread and relevant, I thought I would ask some questions.
    I HEARD that bigfoot is real and have seen hundreds of videos on the Discovery Channel about it, doesn't make it so.

    I think anyone bringing up sticky's car again before he posts about it should get negative reps and a time out. Give it a rest you people.

  15. #90
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    wow 180+ in an EVO. that's scary LOL. I did 155 in mine and thought it was going to fly apart! hahahahaha

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Tony@VargasTurboTech Click here to enlarge
    Shocker a thread about an event becomes about one car again. WHO CARES if his car ran or didn't. Honestly the car was insignificant at the event, it made no waves, they had the hood open all day, barely anyone even went over and looked at it. Why? Because it didn't run so it didn't get any attention, an Evo running 180+ got way more attention. Does this mean the car wont run 180, or is less exciting than an Evo, no. It just means it didn't do anything at that event so no one had a reason to care, how about we talk about some of the cars trapping 225+MPH in the half mile, and get away from the car that didn't even run. When his car runs, then we can have a discussion about it
    2016 340xi AT

  16. #91
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by bigdnno98 Click here to enlarge
    wow 180+ in an EVO. that's scary LOL. I did 155 in mine and thought it was going to fly apart! hahahahaha
    I'm pretty sure I saw that an evo went 202mph in the 1/2...which is even crazier. Evos arent really the most aerodynamic things.

    edit: yup

  17. #92
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by cd330 Click here to enlarge
    No, that was not my purpose. I came in here and even told you I heard your car was finally running and gave you congrats on that. I told you what I heard and that was it. Then as usually, you have to go full douche like you do in every thread. My intent was not to derail this thread or troll.
    Just own up to it. Really no other reason to yammer on about a pointless video and the trap speed.

  18. #93
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by cd330 Click here to enlarge
    My intent was not to derail this thread or troll.
    That's exactly what you did idiot.

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by cd330 Click here to enlarge
    ou said your car didn't run but was at the event. I heard different and saw a video of your car running. Whether they were testing your car or not, it ran, which is something you said didn't happen. But whatever, then you give me negative reps and restrict my posting.
    That isn't a car running or a race. You come in here asking me how my car did with the intent of trolling.

    'Hey how did your car do?'

    'Oh it wasn't running for these reasons hopefully it will work out next time'

    'Not true! Hah check out this super secret video proving you wrong and your car trapping 150 HA HA HA'

    Your purpose here summed up.

    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by cd330 Click here to enlarge
    Go ahead and delete my profile. I joined this forum because I am an enthusiast and enjoy all that is involved with it. Just because I am part of another forum that you don't belong to anymore and have a history with, you automatically go on the defensive.
    Don't even remember you and you are irrelevant. I'll do whatever I please with your profile.

  19. #94
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by BlackJetE90OC Click here to enlarge
    Just own up to it. Really no other reason to yammer on about a pointless video and the trap speed.
    No kidding.

    Doesn't even matter. Guy is completely irrelevant and has no car to run with. He can continue paying attention to mine if he likes.

    Back to the topic at hand if the trolls allow it.

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